Sunday, July 01, 2012

delay delay delay

I have been telling myself that I want to blog... about the Korea trip, the Bali indulgence experience, the cruise trip with brainies that took 10 years to materialize, and the most recent Taiwan trip with all the freaky rain. Before I realize it, more than half a year has gone and I am less than 3 months away from my studies in UK. Lol..

I guess I'll delay it further... Maybe I'll resume the habit in UK. =P 
Meanwhile I need to struggle to fill in the immigration forms, settle school admin, HR admin, money issues, spend more time with family and friends, start to draw up my shopping list, decide if I should bring my bolster, decipher again what is differentiation and integration... and to prepare my rusty brains to go back to studying again. Phew... the list gets longer.

Procrastination - my greatest enemy.