Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Water - one of the most important and fundamental needs.

It is funny that the quality of water is so different at different parts of the globe. They always told us that Singapore's tap water is safe for drinking, but somehow mothers only lets us drink boiled water. =P I remember the tap water in China gave a thick white foam when we boiled it, so we ended up getting mineral water and juices everyday.

On the first day I reached the U.K., there were no more water filters in our nearest Tesco and we had not figured out how to get to town for more shopping. So, I ended up drinking about 3 glasses of boiled tap water before I dragged mineral water home, and I had a tummy upset =( totally 水土不服!

Luckily, I got better on the second day after shopping in town (retail therapy always works!). And we finally bought the water filters (they come in a jug form):

To use it, you'll need to install a water filter at the base of the inner tank.

Filter the water by filling the inner tank and waiting for the water to trickle into the outer tank. For every new filter, you'll need to discard the first two rounds of water. With the third round of filtering, you can restart the timer / counter on the lid of the cover by pressing and holding the button until the meters show up on the display.

The little water droplets at the side shows up when you are filtering water (Cool!)

Ok. I mentioned about changing filter earlier. You'll need to replace the filters roughly once every month. The meter shows a blinking "NEW" beside the cartridge icon whenever it's time to change the filter. Amazingly, so far it has reminded us to change filters in exactly monthly intervals (accurate to the day).

Oh, and I still boil the water after filtering - just out of habit.

Ironically, we always ask for tap water in the restaurants (because it's free of charge).

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Luck or 风水?

Sometimes you need to believe in something before it works.

Just like in the game of mahjong - luck or 风水? Maybe it's 风水 , but one must first be lucky enough to get the 风水位 . Luckily, I didn't lose too much =P.

Someone I know had a lot of 桃花运 after getting a pandora bracelet.
Now I am so tempted to go get a pandora too. Sigh.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Fireworks @ Surrey!

Fireworks at 4 deg C! Brrrr....
(It's like watching at least 4 x NDP fireworks...)