Thursday, November 05, 2009


My dearest sister always asks me "Why are you watching brainless shows?"

Well... Why would I want to waste more of my brain cells after work? Brainless shows are, afterall, brainless enough to let me rest mentally. Even if it's 101 times of the same storyline, in 101 different settings and probably just 30 odd different faces... I will still get my much awaited dose of entertainment minus the headaches PLUS I get to forget about the work~ hee

work really drains me out everyday... i really miss jy & yj~ darlings come back quick... I MISS YOU GALS!

The baby just came and left as her temper gets worse nearing her bedtime... *kawaii*
sometimes being a baby is so 幸福!

baby loves the aircon too! *grinz*

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