I've not felt so tired since a looong time ago~ went on a farm-hopping tour with nellers... to my astonishment, there are so many farms ard the LCK area and the whole place doesn't feel like the familar Singapore...
Too bad the room in the farm stay resort was too small~ (no much walking space at all...) else i would gladly have spent the entire day in the aircon room~ But well, visiting farms is not something you'd catch me doing out of my own interest... so thanks to the nellers for dragging me on my first ever (and i dun think i'll be doing it again in the near future) farm-hopping journey...
d'kranji (nth exciting at all)>
farmart (some shops, no bees viewing, sadly) >
vege farm (the baby dragonfruit is sooo kawaii) >
koi farm (lots & lots of kois, in all sizes. saw an interesting species with wing-like flaps) >
qian fu (dragonfish, lobster, goldfishes...
fish spa! - super ticklish! & long kau fishing~) >
bollywood veggies (lots of vege, spices, bananas etc) >
agrotech farm (grows aloe vera, edible cactus, wheatgrass, mushrooms - yaya bought wheatgrass cereal.. i hope it's nice...) >
Jurong frog farm (i thought this was boring... if only the frogs become princes... THAT would be interesting! hee) >
Gardenasia (this is a much better farmstay... looks like bali-style villa with swimming pool even... looks expensive too... anyway, check out the rocking chairs by the pond beside the bistro =P )
We wanted to go to the goat farm (Hay Dairies) but it closes at 4pm! way too early~ i guess the goaties need sleep~ oh! and Sungei Buloh closes at 7pm too! (we arrived at the gates at 7pm, to find it locked~) The pottery (can't remember the name... it's the one near NTU) closes at 5pm... so basically, farm-hopping have to stop around 6pm~ for those planning~ start early! =)
9 places in a day! cool! but tiring! I think I've got enough farms for a lifetime... I guess Agri-tainment is not my cup of tea.. I need a shopping trip soon =P