Saturday, August 29, 2009


yaya's so into 五月天!The concert was really good~ and the girls' chat after the concert was really nice too... it's been a long time since I really let down my hair and go crazy for a while... that explains why I'm still awake at this ungodly hour, putting my thoughts from the concert down before I procrastinate and forget about it again. Hee...

Watching the concert at Indoor Stadium brings back many memories... There is just so much work behind any concert, much less to say for such a large-scale pop concert. The high-tech globe screen was cool! And I love the light effects and how it all goes so nicely with the music. The screenplay that told the story behind the "D.N.A." concert was entertaining, and a wonderful start to the concert.

I'm impressed with the stamina of the guys... There were no guest performers to create a break for the guys to rest, but they were able to make everyone high for the whole 4+hrs (they sang till past 12am). I know they're tired, but thanks for making it happen. =)

It's a pretty scene with all those flying confetti.. but pity the guys who were busy creating the effect, loading the confetti onto the huge fans... all these hardwork and so much more... to make the concert a success.

While I enjoy the luxury of being the audience, I wonder how it would really feel to be the one performing on stage. How would it feel, to be one of the few performing, vs. one of the thousands watching. The fond memories of the many performances in my school days seem to come back all at once.

I think I better go to sleep... I've got Jap lessons tomorrow morning at 10am~ *yawns*

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