Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Shift

In a unfortunate twist of events, I was evicted from my once cosy 2m x 3m room to occupy half of a 10.7 square-meters room with my little sister. She insists that I occupy more than half the room - which MAY be true... considering my stuff are now unceremoniously dumped in bags around the corners of the room.

I'm now exploring ways of furniture arrangement so as to maximise the limited space. I've tried (in vain) to influence the lunch-go-where decisions of my colleagues, to some-how steer them towards the nearby IKEA. I'll try again tomorrow *grinz*

In the meantime, I'll just have to dig through the bags every day. Lol... it's not that bad, I can survive the mess once I managed to squeeze out a space for the computer. 'cos I really cannot survive without the computer... It's not how much I love my 23" LCD, but it's all the entertainment it gives me - the not-so-exciting FB games, the draggy korean/taiwan/hk/jap dramas, the occasional You-tube surfing, the rare blogging etc. (oops) However, I've not watched a SINGLE episode of ANY drama since The Shift, cos someone who shares the room needs to mug in SILENCE. Well well... I guess I can't complain when I don't have 11 readings to do for the first tutorial... *Gambatte* I'll try to survive without shows for a while then...

It's the time of the year again, and I hope everyone will start asking me out! Lol...and I realise I've not posted a birthday wish list since my 21st bday! It is time to post it, and I hope I get all of them ^^

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